Kinsy Achieves Zero Waste Certification

Kinsy Achieves Zero Waste Certification: A Commitment to Sustainability.

We are proud to announce that Kinsy has achieved the prestigious Zero Waste Certification, a significant milestone in our journey toward sustainability. As society struggles with the complex challenge of waste generation, the principles of the Circular Economy aim to transform waste management by prioritizing prevention and the valorization of waste through reduction, reuse, recycling, and energy recovery.

This certification aligns with key international initiatives from organizations such as the OECD, UNEP (Agenda 2030), G20, and the European Union, which emphasize the importance of Circular Economy practices. The Zero Waste Certification recognizes companies that valorize most of of their generated waste, preventing it from ending up in landfills.

Kinsy is proud to report that we valorize an impressive 99.86% of our waste, underscoring our commitment to sustainable practices and our responsibility towards the environment. Furthermore, this valorization rate includes both hazardous and non-hazardous waste, as Kinsy does not discharge any wastewater into the sewer or public waterways.  This achievement not only reflects our dedication to reducing our ecological footprint but also positions us as a leader in the push for more sustainable business practices. Our philosophy is that waste is just a resource in the wrong place.

We are proud to announce that Kinsy has achieved the prestigious Zero Waste Certification, a significant milestone in our journey toward sustainability. As society struggles with the complex challenge of waste generation, the principles of the Circular Economy aim to transform waste management by prioritizing prevention and the valorization of waste through reduction, reuse, recycling, and energy recovery.

DCAT Week 2022, New York

Our Executive Team is looking for new suppliers, as well as new opportunities for partnering and business development. Take the opportunity and join us! Send



KINSY is glad to announce that we got the approval for French research tax credit (CIR). We encourage companies to contact our team for evaluation



KINSY, S.L. Av. Europa s/n (Parque Ind. de Alhama).

30840 Alhama de Murcia

Murcia, España.

+34 968 632 333

Sede social y administración

KINSY S.L. Gran Vía 15, 4º

30004 Murcia, España

+34 968 217 608

Formulario de contacto
  • Responsable de tratamiento: Sus datos serán tratados por KINSY, S.L. con domicilio social en Gran Vía, 15, 4º , 30004 – Murcia (Murcia).
  • Finalidad y legitimación: Sus datos serán tratados para los fines especificados en el motivo de contacto y poder darle respuesta a sus peticiones o consultas, con base legal en el consentimiento expreso.
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  • Derechos: Le informamos que puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición al tratamiento de sus datos a través de este formulario de contacto o dirigiéndose a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico:, o también por escrito, adjuntando una copia de un documento acreditativo de su identidad a la dirección: Gran Vía, 15, 4º, , 30004 – Murcia (Murcia).
  • Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de datos en nuestra política de privacidad.